Sorry I have not been on as there have been so many things I’d like to say. But I’ve been back in the hospital for tests and treatment for new diagnoses as well as pain management. It isn’t over yet either. I have yet more tests tomorrow as well as appointments with two more doctors. We think we finally have all the information we need to make a decision on what the next step is to rule out what might be causing the pain as we slowly work through what isn’t making my abdomen hurt so horribly bad that it puts me in the hospital for weeks on IV Dilaudid. So far I’ve come out of the hospital with CIP and severe anemia with a schedule for IV iron infusions with my primary care doctor, as well as weight loss. The pain however, will be handled by my wonderful gastroenterologist. I’ll do a nice post once I have the energy and time. Right now I have my days full of appointments and tests but hopefully that will be over and I’ll find some time to update better.

I hope the rest of you are having better luck and are having happy tummy days!

  • 6 Responses

  • Libby B says...

    Hi Kirby – I just wanted you to know that I saw Dr. Patterson today for the first time. I told him that I had found you online and he had many wonderful things to say about you. I am so sorry that you are having a bad time of it right now. I know I don’t know you at all really, but I am thinking of you and sending all the good thoughts and prayers that I can.


  • Kirby says...

    Hi Libby – I hope he treated you well. Is he now your GI doctor? I’ve had him as my GI doctor for about a year now. I’m not the easiest patient and he’d be the first person to tell you that, so a year goes to show we are doing pretty good. He listens and gets things done. There is no better GI doctor than him and couldn’t be happier to have him as part of my medical team.

    I hope you are doing well as well and that your appointment with him was simply a check-up and not for something bothersome. Happy tummy days!

  • Your Husband says...

    I just wanted to say I love you and I’m praying every day for you to feel better. Let me know if I can do anything! <3

  • Kirby says...

    I love you too.

  • Jamie says...

    Hi Kirby! I was on TPN for 3 months and while on it developed Chronic Disease anemia. It got quite bad at one point after I developed a line infection. However several months later it cleared up and hasn’t returned since. I also have gastroparesis and suspected CIP as well as SMA syndrome. I hope you are feeling better soon and are able to go home! I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Libby B. says...

    Yes Kirby, he is now my GI doctor. This visit was a consultation about gatric pacemaker surgery. It went well and we are exploring options regarding paying for the surgery.

    I hope that you start to feel better and stronger each day. It seems that there are a lot of people praying for you 🙂

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