I have an appointment on Wednesday to get measured for a new button and if they have the one I need in stock, they will place it. I will most likely be sedated and stay overnight due to the events of my last procedure. This will all be done via Interventional Radiology. I am hoping for the best as this current tube is continually infected and smelly. I am greatly anticipating my new button and while excited, I’m still hesitant and a bit scared because of what happened last time. I’m sure that everything will go great and that the last time was that 1% of patients with complications.

It has been warm here the past few weeks and I have noticed an increase in GP symptoms. I have read the stories of others and they too, notice changes in their symptoms when the weather gets hot. I’m not sure why this is, but I’m not a fan. I’ve noticed more nausea, fatigue and pain. I’ve been tube feeding more than normal because of all that and am thankful everyday I have that option. I look forward to the fall and winter when the heat settles down and allergies are under control.

I haven’t updated much here because not much has changed. I’m still recovering, slowly, from the surgery I had. I still have the tube they put in during surgery, the one held in place by stitches. I am not a fan of this tube. It has no clamp, it is very flimsy, it didn’t have a port until I put one in, and of course, it is very unattractive! It has recently gotten infected and I am back on antibiotics.

At least my incision scar is healing up nicely as well as my old tube site. As you can see, the surgically placed tube is much higher up on my abdomen however where it is actually placed in my intestine is lower. So low, in fact, that it isn’t accessible via endoscopy. Any changes to my tube will require surgery or interventional radiology. My tube size also changed to what I think is 18FR even though some of the records say it is 16FR. I hope it is 18FR otherwise getting a button fitted will be more of a challenge.

My doctors are still planning a button change at the end of this month. I’m quite excited for it. I haven’t met anyone who regrets getting a button over having a long tube. So much more convenient and when not hooked up – attractive!

After a long week of waiting, and a painful weekend – they finally were able to identify the strain of Staph and prescribe antibiotics. Hopefully it clears up soon and I’ll be able to stop needing liquid oxycodone just to make it through the night. I’m just thankful it isn’t MRSA and that antibiotics will take care of my infection.

My previous PCP had me on birth control pills to regulate my estrogen levels. I was unable to maintain a healthy level of estrogen and when that happens – you are likely to enter an early phase of osteoporosis. Not something you want to deal with at the age of 26. So I agreed to take them even though I had horrible experiences with them previously. I was put on them the year before for the same reason, shortly after my abdominal myomectomy, so I knew sort of what to expect. I suffer horrible nightsweats while on BC pills and this of course happened again on my new pill. I dealt with it. But a few months in, I began to experience other troubling and uncomfortable symptoms. I looked up the medication online and searched through forums to see if others were experiencing the same thing.

Now I understand that forums are not always the place to go for medical advice, but after years of being ignored by doctors – you get to the point of trying anything. When many of the women expressed the same symptoms as the ones I began developing, I decided to see what happens when I went off the pill. A week and many migraines later, I am actually starting to feel like myself again. I might even try running this week, or at least taking a nice long walk (if it isn’t raining of course, which might be too much to ask of Seattle).

This past weekend I found increasing drainage coming from my stoma. I thought nothing much of it and figured it was just from irritation brought on by the new activity of my Berner. My Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, Ellie has taken a liking to my stoma and enjoys pouncing all over it. Of course this causes pain and drainage, and I figured there was no other deeper problem. However, the drainage continued and the stoma site began to smell differently than it had before. I contacted my gastroenterologist and he had me come in the next business day. He cultured it and yes, another staph infection. They are still unsure as to which antibiotic sensitivity it has so I have not been able to start antibiotics.

I had a staph infection of my stoma almost a month ago today. I guess when you have a rather large tube hanging out of your body, you are bound to get infections. Other than increased fatigue and pain (which I take care of with oxycodone), I can deal with this new normal in my life. I can still get out and climb or shop or take walks, so I’m not complaining!