I’m still fighting migraines. They are quite debilitating when they hit, which is usually in the early afternoon or evening. I haven’t yet figured out why this is. It doesn’t seem to coincide with feeding rates, amounts or times or with any type of food I manage to get in orally. All I do know is that when it hits, I’m usually down for the rest of the day/night with pain, nausea and a stupidly high sensitivity to smell.

I started taking Maxalt MLT which might be chased with 5mL of oxycodone or Excedrin Migraine. I try to save these drugs for the evening and get done what errands I need, during the early morning and afternoon. While I generally feel normal after I take these medications, I realize the next day that 1. I experience some amnesia and 2. Whatever I do attempt to do, I do poorly (like trimming my poor puppy’s nails). Finding the reason for these migraines and being able to stop them from happening (at least as frequently as they have been – daily) is my goal.

I’m scheduled to meet with Dr. Justin Stahl this week after a head CT scan to investigate. When your migraines become more intense and more frequent, doctors and of course the patient get concerned. I’ve suffered migraines since I was a kid but they never occurred more than one or two times a month. That to me, is manageable. Having them every day, around the same time, and needing to plan activities around the migraines is not acceptable. Hopefully after this week is over, I’ll have a better idea of what all is happening.