Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.

It has nearly been 1 full year of tube feeding, which to me marks the first real time I was truly diagnosed with gastroparesis. Medications were tried, psychotherapy was attempted with many failures but the day my first Nasojejunal Feed Tube was placed marked the first day of real treatment and real results. Here I am, one year later. Weight stable, energy much higher, new family (of the canine family) additions, new house, and a permanent cute low-profile jejunal feeding tube. It has been a long battle with many setbacks, emergency surgeries, infections and illness but here I am…trotting along the path that has been set before me doing what I can, when I can, where I can and fighting for everything I want in life.

For some people things come easy but for the rest of us – we fight for it, and we fight hard. Pushing for every bit of happiness we can experience and for those sweet little moments of joy we hold on to for the rest of our lives as if they were little bits of power that gives us the energy to keep going, to keep pushing and to keep fighting for more little moments of joy and bits of happiness. No one should ever give up fighting and always cherish even the smallest accomplishment. Whether it is being able to take care of the morning chores, romp around with your favorite loved animal, read a book in a favorite chair, watch a favorite show with a loved one or embrace your children – those are those little moments that you must cherish and always remember. Use them to keep you going and work to always get them back. It is the simple things in life that have the most meaning and the things we remember the most.

I made a simple video of my journey with gastroparesis over the past year. I have placed it here but it will be permanently placed in the Background section.

  • 11 Responses

  • Specialiste Prix says...

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