Well, getting myself to AZ even for the weekend has proven to be quite the adventure. I don’t leave until the 30th but I’m already feeling as if I don’t have enough time to get everything ready. People comment, “oh you have plenty of time.” Obviously, they do not know all that is involved. I like to compare it to having kids…um, a LOT of kids. That only covers the stress level though. I feel bad for my homecare in charge of my TPN and such. They have just as much to do when I go out of town. They are in charge of contacting Phoenix (another branch of my homecare – thankfully they have one located so close to my parent’s house!) and organizing my TPN and supplies to be delivered to my parent’s house for the three days I’ll be there. Unfortunately, I am going to be there in the middle of a delivery so they have to split my order, half to Kirkland and half to Arizona. They ended up sending me two orders of TPN to last me through until the 5th, minus the time I’ll be in Arizona, so I don’t have to worry about getting that when I get home. If any of that made sense to you, I applaud you, because I don’t even know if it made sense to me! But that’s how it is.

All my appointments are scheduled so I see my doctors before I leave for any prescriptions I’ll need refilled while I’m gone or signatures for papers hospitals or stingy TSA jerks might want. I found my gastric neurostimulator card as well as my port-a-cath card so that’s also a plus. I determined that I’ll be flying while hooked up to TPN because I found that in the past with tube feeding, it was easier to get through security if they see how everything works, while it is working. Even though it will be way early and totally throw off my schedule, it should be worth it. I’ll figure out a way to get back on schedule somehow.

In other news, my amazing Facebook groups are making awesome GP/CIP, or what is commonly now referred to as DTP (Digestive Tract Paralysis – a combination of all digestive diseases that slow down motility), awareness videos! I have made one too. Here are the ones so far. Enjoy!

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