Last week was not my week. I was without my pain medications due to a huge mis-communication between my pcp and her nurses. By the time I noticed this error in communication, it was too late; she was gone, left for vacation. Long story short, It took me all week to get my pain medications and while waiting, I had to check in to the ER two times that week for help. The pain I am experiencing is something different. It is unlike my normal GP pain. It is sharp and crampy along the right side of my body between my gastric neurostimulator and pelvic bone. I was also suffering bloody bowel movements. Even with these alarming symptoms, the ER gave me medication and sent me home. My husband and I came to the conclusion that the ER is no place for a person like me. They have no clue when it comes to anything that requires any extra thought process. Unfortunately my gastroenterologist was out of the office so I had to wait a few more days for him to return before I could make an emergency appointment to see him.

When I got in to see him, he agreed that a colonoscopy would be most appropriate, given the symptoms. He took an x-ray and based off that he also wanted to do an endoscopy. He also wanted to try a new treatment of botox injections into the pylorus valve of the stomach. It paralyzes the valve allowing food to exit the stomach more freely, thereby allowing the stomach to empty at a more appropriate time. I am not sure how I feel about the botox treatment. I hear that it can cause dumping syndrome which is by far worse than gastroparesis. It could also just not work. I think more research is needed to make a decision, but I don’t really have much time. My appointment for the procedures is in 2 days (8.23.11). It will be preformed under general anesthesia. At least I won’t be waking up in the middle of this scope, like scopes of the past. A small reassurance, but I’ll take it.

This is a big week for G-Pact and Oley. It is the week where all of the members take time to spread awareness through media, meetings or even casual conversations. We are always trying to spread awareness of DTP (Digestive Tract Paralysis – a term that covers all digestive disorders that slow down motility) but this is the week where we really pick it up. Facebook is the best place to find information regarding DTP. Awareness videos are reposted, people are directed to sites where they can learn more about DTP and how they may be able to help make a difference in the life of someone with DTP.

I’ve made profile pictures for people to use to help spread awareness. All you’d need to do is tag yourself in these photos, or download them, and place them as your profile picture for the duration of DTP Awareness Week (August 19th – 27th). If anyone has questions about anything GP or DTP, send them my way =) Here are some of what I made!

  • 3 Responses

  • ashley. says...

    I had the Botox done a few weeks ago. No change at all. My GI said she’d had about a 50% success rate but she wasn’t sure how much of that was placebo.

  • Kirby says...

    Thanks, I’ll consider that. I’ll probably get it done and see where it goes. Most of my decisions have been made with the idea that “well it can’t get any worse!” Sadly, that isn’t the case here so that is why I am a bit nervous. I’ll get over it.

  • Aunti says...

    Hey SWEET Girl! You will be in my prayers and thoughts like always!!! I am so sorry your week was so terrible!! It is so frustrating for you I am sure!!! I really hopes the Botox will help! Maybe it might take several treatments!! I love you tons!!!!

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