This past weekend I found increasing drainage coming from my stoma. I thought nothing much of it and figured it was just from irritation brought on by the new activity of my Berner. My Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, Ellie has taken a liking to my stoma and enjoys pouncing all over it. Of course this causes pain and drainage, and I figured there was no other deeper problem. However, the drainage continued and the stoma site began to smell differently than it had before. I contacted my gastroenterologist and he had me come in the next business day. He cultured it and yes, another staph infection. They are still unsure as to which antibiotic sensitivity it has so I have not been able to start antibiotics.

I had a staph infection of my stoma almost a month ago today. I guess when you have a rather large tube hanging out of your body, you are bound to get infections. Other than increased fatigue and pain (which I take care of with oxycodone), I can deal with this new normal in my life. I can still get out and climb or shop or take walks, so I’m not complaining!