Sorry I have not been on as there have been so many things I’d like to say. But I’ve been back in the hospital for tests and treatment for new diagnoses as well as pain management. It isn’t over yet either. I have yet more tests tomorrow as well as appointments with two more doctors. We think we finally have all the information we need to make a decision on what the next step is to rule out what might be causing the pain as we slowly work through what isn’t making my abdomen hurt so horribly bad that it puts me in the hospital for weeks on IV Dilaudid. So far I’ve come out of the hospital with CIP and severe anemia with a schedule for IV iron infusions with my primary care doctor, as well as weight loss. The pain however, will be handled by my wonderful gastroenterologist. I’ll do a nice post once I have the energy and time. Right now I have my days full of appointments and tests but hopefully that will be over and I’ll find some time to update better.

I hope the rest of you are having better luck and are having happy tummy days!
